The Sunday School Detective Club - Book 1: The Case of the Creation Story

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The Sunday School Detective Club - Book 1: The Case of the Creation Story


15-year-old Mel, the Pastor’s daughter, sits in the back of the room bracing herself for another boring Sunday School class when a metaphorical explosion enters the room in the person of new Intern Pastor Lucia. After briefly introducing herself, new Intern Pastor Lucia proceeds to suggest that the Bible might not be true. Mel is horrified until she realizes that Pastor Lucia has an agenda—to deepen their understanding of God by investigating the stories of the Bible. 


Forming a Sunday School Detective Club, the class dives into their first investigation: Does Evolution Disprove the Genesis 1 Creation Story? Along the way, Mel experiences a crisis of faith, the power of curiosity, and a new appreciation for the wonder of the Bible.


The Sunday School Detective Club—Book 1: The Case of the Creation Story is an insightful, grounded, spiritual, playful, humorous, and fast-paced story of faith for those wrestling with the connection between science and the Bible. As Pastor Lucia tells Mel: A curious faith, built on the foundation of healthy doubt, will serve you far better than an unquestioning faith built on certainty.

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